How to Homeschool Preschool and Elementary

Homeschooling in elementary school is a great time to start. At this age, kids learn a lot through play, making it a fun experience. Don’t worry about the small things—celebrate the little wins! Elementary students are old enough to get excited about the change and understand their new routine. We’re here to help you support them as they adjust and enjoy preschool and elementary homeschooling.

Additional Elementary School Resources

Elementary school is a wonderful time to teach, even if you’re already homeschooling. You’ll watch your child grow from preschool or kindergarten and get ready for middle school. These years bridge simple preschool ideas and more complex middle school lessons. Your child is growing quickly but still has time to enjoy being young. These homeschooling years are special, and we’re happy to support you on this journey!

Tips for Homeschooling Elementary School

Homeschooling during the elementary years is a joyful experience. Mothers enjoy engaging, hands-on learning with their children. These years are filled with exciting adventures and meaningful moments together.

Tip #1 Be Flexible.

Don’t worry about making everything perfect at this age. It’s important to encourage children to do their best, but too much pressure can take away the joy out of learning. Many homeschool parents wonder, “How long should we teach our elementary students?” The key is to stay flexible. Every child is unique, but a general guide is 1-2 hours for elementary school, 2-3 hours for middle school, and 3-4 hours for high school.

Tip #2 Teach Your Children to Help.

One of the biggest challenges for homeschool parents is managing time. A helpful tip is to teach your kids how to assist you. Show them how to plan their day (student planners can be very helpful), check their work, and turn in assignments. These simple steps can make your homeschool routine much smoother.

Tip #3 Plan for Fun.

Making your homeschool day fun is important for happy homeschooling. Sometimes, we focus too much on finishing worksheets and forget about hands-on activities. Dear parent, worksheets aren’t as important as we think. Real, hands-on experiences create better memories and more meaningful learning!

Tip #4 Do What Works for You.

Don’t feel like you have to copy what others do just because they seem happy and successful. Homeschooling is about freedom and flexibility, so make the most of it. You can shape your homeschool day and your children’s learning in a way that works best for your family.